Like reading it back Im a little more eh, its alright I guess, but it was such a profound. beliza the 100 cast bob morley eliza taylor Instagram More you might like. My art/writing/officialish fandom blog is bai-xue. Explore Tumblr posts for tag Luberto trash. my blog has never had a concrete theme or focus, so what you see is what you get. My discourse, shitposting, and occasional fandom nonsense blog. Multi-fandom + multi-everything that takes my fancy really.
Gamer (feel free to add me on playstation!Īllergic to tumblr discourse, fandom drama, and basically anything where your first reaction to a post is "please go outside and touch grass". Occasionally nsfw, so if you're a minor please don't follow! The top was removed, allowing the vanilla scented gel to improve the vehicle’s interior. Heavy boots thumped against the floor boards as a small air freshener can sat beneath the seat. i hope that y'all can understand and respect my decision. repurpose-yourself Refreshed Ah, it smells better in here already, Waylon said as he slid into the driver’s seat of his car, I will never tire of vanilla scent. i'll still be checking in on this hellsite daily, however, because despite its shortcomings i can't imagine ever deactivating - there's just nothing else like it. I've been actively minimizing my social media usage in a bid to prioritize my mental health, and i intend to keep it that way. The fabric is very soft on the inside, though, and is in very good quality.

This blog's on SEMI-HIATUS for the foreseeable future. I got a small, which was still pretty big which is a little disappointing.